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Plants are amazing roommates. No, really! They inhale carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen (the opposite of humans). They aren’t just air “fresheners,” they’re air purifiers. They are great for purifying your air, and they will improve your overall mood and happiness! The right plants can completely transform any space.

Whether or not you’ve earned your green thumb is irrelevant. There are countless options to choose from to reinvent your apartment. You will quickly learn some species are easier to care for than others.

If you don’t think you have what it takes to raise a plant, some light research will wash away your woes. Start with one or two low-maintenance plants. As you begin to understand how to care for them, you can introduce a few more difficult ones.

Two things to remember: One, do not let yourself get discouraged. Two, some types are harmful to humans and animals.

If you have kids or pets, you should not buy hazardous plants. Before you purchase anything, ensure you aren’t purchasing a poisonous plant.

If you have a dangerous plant, keep it where kids and animals can’t come in contact with it. Better yet, find an adult without pets or children and give them the plant. Toxic plants can be gorgeous, but the risk isn’t worth the reward.

Don’t forget about artificial plants. They may not purify the air, but they look just as good without any of the upkeep.

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